WolfRiver Big John 27'' at the shoulders weighed about 70lbs in running shape on CO-OP dog food. Crowe n Raider on top and liquor on bottom- lemon/orange and white. Best outside red fox dog I ever seen and his dam was the best gyp I ever seen run a red fox. old timers of the day ask me what you gonna do with that dog sonny boy plow him. Needless to say after running with them I didn't get invited back very often. We didn't have coyotes in our area till around 82.
The wider a red fox ran the more he scattered dogs. He would touch the top strands on a 4' hog wire fence with 2 strands of barbed wire on top in stride when he went over it. He would run a red fox so hard there would be no room for slicing and dicing. A red fox race over 6 hours was rare with John in the race. He's the most athletic hound I ever seen. If he got under a gray fox, he had better take to the ground or trees. I'm like the guy back in the day that said there is no dog living or dead tougher than Ted Raider and I say there is no better red fox dog living or dead better than Big John. I have raised and trained several hundred fox hounds since 1974 and seen thousands run never seen one better. GOOD HUNTIN
The biggest two dogs I ever seen was back about 4 or 5 years ago.
Cody Edmonson over in Chambers County got a hold of two litter mates, they were July dogs they were red in color, I never did hear him say what their breeding was, but these two hounds would have passed for twins.
I never actually put a tape measure to them but I figure they were at least 30 maybe 31 inches tall, now I am guessing at their height but at that time my little boy had a show dog that was about 26 1/2 inches tall and they were a good bit taller than him and they would weigh about 75 or 80lbs each.
I always figured they could have really stretched out in open country (in wide open spaces) needless to say they weren't to sporty in our little briar patch.
Cody didn't keep them long but oh how I remember them, they were huge.