2016 North Carolina State Fox Hunters Association
3 Day Field Trial & Bench Show September 21 -September 24, 2016 Headquartered at Low Country Fox Preserve, Manning, SC
National Affiliated and will qualify for Leader board
Entry Fee $70.00 per Hound Membership Fee $20.00
This year’s Field Trail will be a 1 Class HGA and there will be a limit of 300 hounds for this event.
Right now it looks like the entry will be around 200 hounds so there is still time to get numbers and come join us. With this amount it should be a barn burner.
Call association secretary Craig Nobles at (252) 626-9801 to enter hounds and get numbers.
Bench Show Wednesday evening Sept. 21st at 7 pm after free welcome meal provided by Richard Evans. Business Meeting and awards Saturday Sept. 24th at the Low Country Fox Preserve.