Had a good hunt(even thou it rained some)it turned out good. would like to thank all the hunters for coming and all the judges. Most of all , thank GOD for letting us have the oppertunity to enjoy something we love. here is the top 10 places . thanks again
1st - 785 pnts- Buddy Storm , (Jerry) Christys lincoln X Pritchards Dot
2nd - 645 - Lakehills Kennel , (Lakehills Ug) Lakehills Hillbelly X Morrows Covergirl
3rd - 640- Kerney Lebleau, (Blk Widow) Hazeltons Wizard X Hazeltons Dusty
4th - 580-Kerney Lebleau ,(Lableau's Mo) B.W. Shine X Watskin Revive
5th - 575- Johney Foster (Jill) Chaseland Black Hawk X Stewarts Patty
6th - 550 - Kerney Lebleau (Lebleau's Sandy) Saul Red Man X Kirby's Ms Brooklyn
7th - 510 - Lakehills Kennel (Lakehills Creed) Lakehills Hillbelly X Frk's Princess
8th -510 - Candice King (Copper) Candy's Houdini X Pawnee 's Penny
9th - 490 - Johney Foster (Danny Boy) ? X ?
10th - 480 - David Bates (?) Lakehill's Chili X ?
If i didnt get something right , feel free to correct it. some imfo i didnt have down