Benefit Hunt for Sam and Ashlie Robertson (Oct. 1)
The hunt will be held at the Buckville, AR Hunting Grounds. You can enter your hounds Sat morning starting at 5:00 am. Entry fee is $10 per hound. Roll Call will be around 6:00 am and cast around 6:30 am. All dogs will be scored together and we will award the Top 10. Hunters will be paired up and act as judges. Hounds will run for 4 hours.
Lunch will be served starting at 11:30 am. It's burgers, hot dogs, and trimmings, etc. for $5.00 per meal. The auction and awards will follow.
All proceeds from the hound entry, lunch, and auction will go directly to the family to offset their medical and travel expenses, etc.
How can you help? - attend (even if you aren't a hunter), enter hounds, buy lunch, donate something to the auction, buy from the auction, monetary donation.
Ashlie continues to have some problems and they drive to Little Rock twice a week so she can be properly monitored. Please continue to remember her, Sam, and their children in your prayers.
If you have any questions, please call us. (Ryan @ 915-2305 or Randy @ 209-0635). If you need numbers, call Sue @ 915-2239.
God bless you all! We hope to see you October 1st!