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Wongering-Ed Stewart

Just wondering if anyone might know Mr. Ed Stewart in MS. or a number to reach him? Thanks for any help.

Re: Wongering-Ed Stewart

The only Ed Stewart that I've ever known was from near Albany , Louisiana. He's no longer with us. Not to say there's not an Ed Stewart in Mississippi. Hope this helps.

Re: Wongering-Ed Stewart

Thanks Mr. Bailey, This Ed Stewart was from around there, I may have the states wrong. He Bought the old Phillips Hi-Tail dog from Arnold Phillips back in the 90s. Does that ring a bell?

Re: Wongering-Ed Stewart

The same one. I remember the time very well and old hi- tail. Ed was killed in an accident on the highway a while back.

Re: Wongering-Ed Stewart

Man I hate to hear that about Mr. Stewart, I'll let Arnold know. We were talking last night about him. Had some good hounds out of Hi-Tail back in the mid 90s. Arnold still has some of it now. Thanks Charlie Bailey!

Re: Wongering-Ed Stewart

You're welcome Drayton. It was a terrible shock to a lot of folks.