Would like to think the judges an hunters that came also gun dog supply quick track southern pipe fergasons an m an m supply with out these it would not be possiable we had a great hunt 111 hounds it was very dry but running was good
2end--triple p kennels
3erd--850 mafia
4th--big creek kennels
5th--850 mafia
7th- strictly mafia
8th--850 mafia
9th--d t kennels
10th--Joel smith
11th--big creek
12th--t&c kennels
13th--d t kennels
14th--p town/ rocking a
15th--p town bay creek
16th--bailey creek kennels
17th-t&c kennels
18--bailey creek
19--big creek
20-- strictly mafia
Classy hound --p town bay creek
Best mouth--run a buck
15th- P-Town's Rowdy B (P-Towns Dynamite x Chappy's lil Bit)
Congrats to everyone that placed & thanks to all of the judges. We would also like to thank Mr. Rusty & Jeffro for putting their dogs in our name also for Cammen after the loss of Dynamite. Thanks guys for trying to keep his spirits up. Even though we didn't make the hunt due to him playing football he says Thank you!
Amazing how same ones always on top there I guess no one else got good dogs dubose dogs has improved since he became board mem I saw a grasshopper pass prime time in a clear cut
Mr.Guess the dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. You are getting out worked and are too dumb to know it. So that bunch has a saying that you fell right into you come laughing and joking and now your leaving with your but a smoking. Come get some.