
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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National Foxhound Cemetery

I have been trying to find a list of dogs that are buried at the National Foxhound Cemetery and I can't really find any information on it at all. Anyone know who's buried there?

Re: National Foxhound Cemetery

Contact Albert Welch. (936)275-6648. He used to be over the cemetery iirc. He would prolly remember the majority of them

Re: National Foxhound Cemetery

It's been long time since I been to it but all foxhunters in your lifetime should make trip to the old boles field the history & all the great hounds of past buried there. Right off my head I know white cat hellums is in there. Bunch more famous hounds.

Re: National Foxhound Cemetery


National foxhound cemetery
It will list all 33 hounds buried there with info name born & when they died

Re: National Foxhound Cemetery

Google National FoxhoundCemetery, has all the information you are wanting

Re: National Foxhound Cemetery

Do not forget Dawson Stride one of the original Hounds buried at Bowles field and Hinkle Shillings. I don't remember how he spelled his last name. A nice fellow and good fox hunter. Any time I went to his house he was a good host.