
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

Masterfox Message
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South Carolina State FHA

The Directors of the South Carolina Fox Hunters Association would like to invite everyone to attend to 2017 three day at Tar River Fox Preserve in Creedmore NC on May 3-6, Wednesday - Saturday. The Directors have come together to make this hunt one of the BIGGEST and BEST that you could attend this year.We will be giving away $250 a day to derby and All age speed and drive winners each day and $500 to the HGA winners in each class. 5-6 tons of dog feed and HGA trophies, plus many more prizes. This hunt will be a Franchise 2 hunt, so the HOY points will be bigger and better!!
Pride, Showtime and Value-Pack are some of our dog food sponsors along with Three Rivers Hound Supplies!!!! There will be lots to win and you will not be disappointed!!

$10 Membership (unlimited entries)
$60 entry fee per hound

Bench show will be Wednesday May 3rd, meal before bench show.

Friday night fun after derby awards with live DJ.

Marvin Rick is the Master of Hounds

Pete Warren Assistant MOH

Kelly Meadows is the Bench Show Judge
25 Confirmed Judges waiting to here from a few more!!

Start giving out numbers on April 4th at 6pm (Travis Johnson)

Travis Johnson 843-344-2863 (Secretary)

Brad Richardson 843-344-8333 (President)