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Foxhunting to hound racing

First let me say I love Foxhunting and everything about it.What I hate about today's so called fox hunting is hounds that can't run game a hundred yards and all the needles that go in them.Go ahead and bash me but I really don't give a **** if you do because if you are bashing me then you are part of what I'm talking about.Foxhunting used to be a honorable sport but now it's all about who has best recipe or so called conditioning yeah yeah heard all that to.We are going to 4,3 hour hunts more and more why.Some going to say we have family obligations.Dont we all have that.Golf has been around a long long time and they haven't changed rules on it.Why are we bending and twisting rules of fox hunting.Oh here comes pen excuse.Why, because we created pen excuse.We as Hunters have gotten lazy period.Dogs are good and bad as always we just sugar coat their sorry azzes now.If you beat me beat me fair and square fine just beat me fair and square.Dont use your needles and short hours to justify your so Called fox hunting as you call today.Lets call it crossing racing.I know there is still good hounds out there but not as many that can run a track as should be ran.Go ahead and bash away I'm waiting on the excuses.

Re: Foxhunting to hound racing

Think my chain been pulled.

Re: Foxhunting to hound racing

Brad, there are still a lot of places to take your hounds and run on the outside. I run 2-3 times weekly and have a lot of dog music.you don't have to have an audience or a large pack to enjoy yourself. Three dogs that can run game and use their mouth right can do the job for me. Learn to hunt by yourself. Pen hunting is not for me but a whole lot of people enjoy it as much as I do mine. I've have a dog now that was a pen dog and he is as good on the outside as I've had. He can walk a cold track down the middle of dusty road with head down or wind game from the same road with head up. What ever the conditions call for. The term pen dog doesn't mean he CANT rum game over 100 yds without a loss, it's that he is running under different circumstances, and doesn't have to worry about a loss. He learns there is going to be other scent close by. Most pen dogs don't work out on the outside right away but the good ones that want to run game learn how and the ones that do seem to me have a little something that captures my liking. Nothing is happening to the type fox hunting you like, unless you let it happen.

Re: Foxhunting to hound racing

I didn't post that