Having a 3 hour speed & drive open hunt June 10th at Dry Grove coyote pen Raymond Ms. Pen has just been restocked with coyotes and fox. 400 acres of good fast running. Will have plenty of judges and will pay back top 10 places. 50 dollars entry fee. Call 601-278-9760 for #s. No limit on hounds. Giving out #s now. MOH will be Mark Mitchell.
Lining up to be a showdown. Have close to 70 #s out. Will be a good hunt with nice paybacks. Pen full of game and running good. You will hear and see some outstanding fast coyote races.
If not entering dogs come watch and listen to the running with this line up so far going be some fast and furious running. Line Up so far. Heath Davis Bryd& Valentine Big Creek kennels P-Town kennels Big L kennels JJ Drake Lamey Keith Ebarb Shelton Easterling Matthew Bingham Jeff Almond Brian Lamey Kerney LeBlue Brian Camron Red Creek kennels Steven Cody. Have in the 80s #s out. Big payback for winners. Pen full of good running coyotes.
Adding to the lineup Smith Hill Kennels, Showtime kennels, Bob Kelly, Bubba Cooley, Danny Thomas. This is going to be a 1st class Showdown for some fast coyote races with fast hounds. Payback top 10 places.
128 #s out. Will be one fast coyote race. Got room for some more if you want to see what you feeding. Win you a big pot and bragging rights. Payback top 10 places. Have 22 good honest judges. Cast at 6am.