If not entering dogs come watch and listen to the running with this line up so far going be some fast and furious running. Line Up so far. Heath Davis Bryd& Valentine Big Creek kennels P-Town kennels Big L kennels JJ Drake Lamey Keith Ebarb Shelton Easterling Matthew Bingham Jeff Almond Brian Lamey Kerney LeBlue Brian Camron Red Creek kennels Steven Cody. Have in the 80s #s out. Big payback for winners. Pen full of good running coyotes.
Adding to the lineup Smith Hill Kennels, Showtime kennels, Bob Kelly, Bubba Cooley, Danny Thomas. This is going to be a 1st class Showdown for some fast coyote races with fast hounds. Payback top 10 places.
128 #s out. Will be one fast coyote race. Got room for some more if you want to see what you feeding. Win you a big pot and bragging rights. Payback top 10 places. Have 22 good honest judges. Cast at 6am.