
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Dogs for sale.

Missy - wh. 1-15-11. Thompsons pinkie x newells happyfeet. $250
Driver - wh 5-5-07. Butlers big thunder x butlers gray girl. 150
Rock - wh 5-10-11. Lake hills jaybird x rachals Mary. 200
Lemon drop - wh 5-17-10. Thompsons pinkie x thompsons Josie 2. 150
Dixie - wh 8-16-12. Thompsons dart x Speirs gypsy. 150
Showgirl. Wh 4-4-12. Wascoms Obama x big boy crystal. 150
You can text me at 225-615-2275 for more info