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Fathers Day

Those of you that still have your Dads and Grandads, enjoy them, cherish them, honor them and love them for time passes quickly. Happy Father's Day to all and may God bless each and everyone.

Re: Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day , Billy

Re: Fathers Day

Happy Father's day to all of the men out there that has kids or Grand kids that they dearly love. I'm fortunate enough to have 4 kids 2 girls and 2 boys .My girls are all grown up now I'm nothing to one of them and the other one is in my life all the time.my boys are still young they are 11 n 1 2 and they are with me just about 24/7.Im so blessed to have 3 wonderful kids and one that just keeps me wondering all the time if she is OK and if my little grandson is OK . I'm so blessed to have a wonderful wife that gave me 3 of the 4 wonderful kids.My oldest daughter has a son that I've only seen one time and that's when he was sick and in the hospital. I hope and pray for him and his mother every day but I know only she can make up her mind to let me in their lives.so with all said I just want everyone to please pray for me to get in their lives when the time is right I know with all my heart she will one day.p.s.i love them with all my heart and soul. Happy Father's Day 🎉 🎉 🎉

Re: Fathers Day

I want to say to Buck Hunter kennel that if your daughter has any kinda heart she will come around eventually.Just have faith and keep on praying.

Re: Fathers Day

Most of you that will read this know my story. I lost my Dad when I was 14 years old. But he left a lot of great friends in this sport that have always been great Father Figures to me !! And I want to thank them. Some of them have Passed on and I know they are in Heaven hunting with Dad now. Just to name a few that I want to say I love you and thank u for all y'all have done for me. Ken Ezell, Rusty Cox, Jeff Bradshaw, Kenny Kidd, David Bates, David Hellums, Roby bogue, Russell West , Dajudge Teat, Barry Frasier, Rodney Colvin. There is a bunch I'm leaving out I know . To the rest of my Fox hunting Brothers Happy fathers Day!!!

Re: Fathers Day

Very well said Heath. Could not have been better!!