
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

Masterfox Message
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Several really nice hounds for sale. All have placed in hunts.that have been trialed

Must get rid of some really nice hounds. Not culls.
1. Amite River Mack - Butler's Maximus ex Butlers' Pepper 2.
2. Amite River Buster - Valentine's Cam ex Hemphill's Cindy
3. Amite River Rosie - BTTB Magnum ex Betty Liquor
4. Amite River Nick - T Byrd's Lil Red ex T Byrd's Rita
5.Amite River Black - Valentine's Blue Boy ex Caughman's Marichi
6. Amite River Grinnie - Valentine's Blue Boy ex Caughman's Marichi

Also some Brood females left from top bloodlines.
We are starting pups now and must make room. Also litters coming on

Call: Jeff if interested 225-937-4669