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Results from the 3 hour hunt

Well it has come and gone with all the fun we had is just a memory now but a good memory with a lot of picking laughing having fun. I would like to thank everyone for coming that participated other hunters came and visited. A big thanks for the 18 judges that came donated their time for a outstanding job they did scoring every dog there. It rained couple of times but the running never slowed down. We cast 120 outstanding hard fast running hounds with some of the best coyote running you will ever hear never a break from any direction. All 120 hounds were winners in my book but we had to pick 10. Again thanks for coming as this was the last hunt to be held in this pen closing Tuesday. Outstanding running, fellowship, sportsmanship. 1st- Drake Lamey, 2nd-Bryd & Valentine, 3rd- Buck Creek Kennels, 4th-Bryd & Valentine, 5th- J J, 6th- Bryd & Valentine, 7th- Bryd & Valentine, 8th- Smith Hill kennels, 9th- Drake Lamey, 10th- Efrid kennels. Thanks for Motorcross for having the pen and game in great shape.

Re: Results from the 3 hour hunt

Sorry but I almost forgot about the MOH Mark Mitchell for great job he did getting the scores figured.

Re: Results from the 3 hour hunt

5th - TRIP ( Hippys John x Davis's Sugar ) Craig & JJ
Congrats to all who placed good hunt

Re: Results from the 3 hour hunt

Thanks a lot Roger for putting on such a great hunt!Running was great for the entire 3 hours. I would like to comment on the money spent as well as the payback! There was 120 hounds entered at $50 a dog. Roger paid Motor Cross $1800 dollars, leaving $4200 to pay back 10 places.First place hound won $800dollars, 10th place hound won $125dollars, the rest was divided up between the other eight hounds, all $4200 was put in the 10 envelopes. Myself, Gene Cowart, and Roger counted the money and put it in the envelopes. Maybe with this whoever the crybaby was from the last hunt will shut the hell up!

Re: Results from the 3 hour hunt

3rd place Buck Creek Brownie (Hippy John x Buck Creek Dixie) congrats to all who placed.. it was a top of the line hunt for sure

Re: Results from the 3 hour hunt

This was a great hunt with great running big thanks to mr Roger knight motocross and judges . Congrats to everybody that placed it took a good one to get there 1st place Lamey's Clyde mud creek bones x blackout (Rodgers pjoe x Ponders Nikki ) 9th Place Lamey's Jackie big creek cash x kens dolly