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Kreso D - Admire ?

Does anyone use this product on there hounds and is it good for fleas? Also what's the shelf life on admire got some that doesn't seem to be working on fleas? Thanks Grader

Re: Kreso D - Admire ?

When I had dirt pens I used both with little result. Best results I had was Permethrin SFR $40 with a hose Dial sprayer $10. Straight permethrin in the sprayer cup and turn the dial to 2oz per gallon...spray pens AND hounds 2 times a week (SEVERAL DAYS APART) for 6 weeks. Vets approve this method and dogs never had any negative reaction. This is basically the same as using adams flea spray but a little stronger and a lot cheaper. You must do it for 6 weeks because Fleas hatch every 2 weeks and they lay thousands of eggs also each spraying only gets part of the infestation at a time. It will also kill ants!

I kno some people have had great luck with admire but it quit working for mine I now have concrete kennels so there maybe a better way now! Kreso D will help keep you from reinfesting if you keep a vat mixed a dip dogs everytime when you return from hunts where you kenneled but it will not cure an infestation.

Good luck with the little DEVILS!