For numbers call Frankie Saucier @228 -669 -7608 starting Feb 1st. Not Eddie Singletary. Trophies for Child Handling Class. Masters GTP.
Ad in HH December issue.
Get them ready guys. This will be a whole different groups of derby dogs than the last hunt. Come enjoy another good hunt !
After running with Talbert yesterday he insured me that he will still finish this hunt just like the last right above WFO/Creek bottom. I guess we will have to wait and see which one won't answer the phone this time.
Numbers out for the Classic
Kenny McMillian
Short Bus Knls
Skinnie Smith
Treylar Knls
Danny McCallum
Smith Hill Knls
Chris Head
Talbot Crowe
Greg Ellis
Coyell Knls
South MS Mafia
Pole Branch Knls
Todd Wise
Kermie Ladner
Johnny Lennard
Stanley Magee
Patrick Dees
Floyd Joiner
Kenneth Wilson
Kenny McGowan
Richard Doorman
Scott Sellers
Mike Ingram
Tony Herrington
Bud Teal
Edward Scott
Tommie Cutrer
What everyone's prediction from that list?
Mine is:
Talbert Crowe and his kennel partner the hippie Aka Tommie Curter
Wfo and his kennel partner Talbert Crowe. Crowe gonna get there regardless.
Short bus and the magic knee thighs
Kenneth Wilson I guess he's own his own again after his come back
Ms Mafia
Kermie Ladner and the Democratic Party.
Danny McCallum
Greg Ellis
A week left fellas. Who's it gonna be. Let the fun began
Due to my health problems we will not be able to make The Southern Derby Classic. For those that do not know I blacked out 6 times at the hunt in Andalusia this past Sunday and had to have a pacemaker put in Monday night. Got released today and on my way home. Sorry for any inconvenience to ya'll our customers and friends. Also thanks for the many prayers from our fox hunting family !!
Awesome !
Frickie Saucier and the boy had a good turn out and gave a lot back!
Good runnng every day and the pen was great!
Good times good friends , can ask for much more!
Enjoyed it