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CHRA 2- class puppy hunt Dec.16th at Leaksville,Ms

Going to have a 2 class CHRA puppy hunt for December and younger pups. This is to help with Mr Bobby Fayard’s medical expenses. Hunt will be $35 per/puppy. I will start giving number out Dec 4th. Contact JD. 228-218-5491. Thanks.

Re: CHRA 2- class puppy hunt Dec.16th at Leaksville,Ms

Classes will Be December and after
February an after. Thank yoj

Re: CHRA 2- class puppy hunt Dec.16th at Leaksville,Ms

To stay within the allowed rules of the CRHA of the hunt needing to be open books I will start taking numbers on 11.27.16. Thanks for all the calls. Looks like there will be a lot of numbers given out. Thanks

Re: CHRA 2- class puppy hunt Dec.16th at Leaksville,Ms

Pen is ready for puppies to run. Call John for running
**Reminder Books Open Monday** call early to get your numbers. Been having a lot of calls. Going to be a Great Hunt.

Re: CHRA 2- class puppy hunt Dec.16th at Leaksville,Ms

Book is open!! Numbers are going out. Thanks.

Re: CHRA 2- class puppy hunt Dec.16th at Leaksville,Ms

Let’s me get 2 in the dec class and 3 in Feb class please!! God bless and happy hunting/running

Re: CHRA 2- class puppy hunt Dec.16th at Leaksville,Ms

Young: 4,8,14

Thank you sir. Have a great evening

Re: CHRA 2- class puppy hunt Dec.16th at Leaksville,Ms

We have 80 numbers out so far. A lot of prizes and feed to be given away. Also, have 25/30 judges committed. This should be a great hunt! Pen is full of game and running well.
Call an get a number to help support Mr Bobby’s family. Thank you

Re: CHRA 2- class puppy hunt Dec.16th at Leaksville,Ms

do you have address to pen

Re: CHRA 2- class puppy hunt Dec.16th at Leaksville,Ms

29683 Hwy 63N Leaksville Ms is a close address. They’re will Be signs that will lead to the gate.

Re: CHRA 2- class puppy hunt Dec.16th at Leaksville,Ms

Got around 100 numbers given out. Going to be a good one for sure. Signs will be out by the road directing to the gate. Going to have some breakfast, coffee and drinks. Hope to see everyone weather is going to be great!!

Re: CHRA 2- class puppy hunt Dec.16th at Leaksville,Ms

J D Locke
Got around 100 numbers given out. Going to be a good one for sure. Signs will be out by the road directing to the gate. Going to have some breakfast, coffee and drinks. Hope to see everyone weather is going to be great!!
Don't forget about the CRHA Puppy Hunt tomorrow at Leaksville Running Pen.
Please bring family and friends to help support this memorial hunt.
Lots of great items for silent auction and good homemade baked goods. We look forward for tomorrow to have a great time of fellowship and hunt.
Lots of feed to be given out, thanks to all that have donated for this cause. Our family appreciates all your thoughts and prayers.
God Bless You All!!