
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Dry Creek Hoodies

As most of my fox hunting friends know, this year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Dry Creek Fox Hunters Association annual Field Trial & Bench Show. In celebration of this milestone, we are pre-ordering 50th Anniversary hoodies. Hoodies are dark chocolate with an orange font as shown below. Prices are listed as follows:

S-XL - $20
2XL - $22
3XL - $24
4XL - $26
5XL - $28

Orders must be made by next Tuesday November 14th at noon. You may order by replying to this status, or you can text me at 850-272-1983. I will reply to your comment or text as confirmation. Hoodies will be available for pickup at the Dry Creek November 29th.
Please make checks payable and send checks to our Secretary:

Angela Lovett
4218 Marilyn Street
Youngstown, FL

Payment must be received and needs to be postmarked by the 14th in order for your purchase to be processed. Thank You!

If you'd like to see the logo, feel free to text me and I'll be glad to text you a copy of it.