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Outside Field Trial Mill Creek Hunting Club 2-24-2018

Mill Creek Hunting Club in Perry County MS will be hosting its 10th annual Outside hunt on February 24, 2018. Entry fee will be $35.00 per Dog and will run for 3 hours. The Coyotes and Fox will be fed up well at the cast site and the past 9 years there has been wall to wall running and Plenty of judges provided and Mr. Jerry Elliot,(aka Lucky) will be our Master of Hounds. There will also be plenty of food for everyone. We will be giving away 50% of the money after expenses along with nice trophies and Dog Feed for the top 10. Will also give feed for 11-20th place. The number book will not be open until Dog season closes in mid January. There will be more information posted at a later date to let you know who and when the numbers will be given out. Hope to see everyone again this year for good food and fellowship!


Re: Outside Field Trial Mill Creek Hunting Club 2-24-2018


Re: Outside Field Trial Mill Creek Hunting Club 2-24-2018

How do ya get numbers?

Re: Outside Field Trial Mill Creek Hunting Club 2-24-2018

Need a phone number for numbers.

Re: Outside Field Trial Mill Creek Hunting Club 2-24-2018

The post says numbers given out after deer season.

Re: Outside Field Trial Mill Creek Hunting Club 2-24-2018

The Number Book is open Now! Call Rev. Shane Giadrosich for numbers @ 601-689-1053!


Re: Outside Field Trial Mill Creek Hunting Club 2-24-2018


Re: Outside Field Trial Mill Creek Hunting Club 2-24-2018

Bro. Shane will be at a Ministers Conference for the next couple of days and isn't able to answer his phone. If you need numbers he will be back available Friday Morning 1-26-18.


Re: Outside Field Trial Mill Creek Hunting Club 2-24-2018


Re: Outside Field Trial Mill Creek Hunting Club 2-24-2018

Over 150 numbers out so far and the game is fed up well so it should make for an instant race!!! There will be sausage and redhots before cast and chicken for lunch for everyone so come hungry!! There will be plenty of judges and as every year there should be wall to wall running! Hope to see everyone Saturday morning!!

Re: Outside Field Trial Mill Creek Hunting Club 2-24-2018

Almost 200 numbers out now and 22 confirmed judges!!!! The game has been well fed lately which should make for an instant race and good running as in the past!! Going to be plenty of food and fellowship to go along with it. This could be our best one ever!!!! Hope to see everyone in the morning!!