2018 Florida State FHA 3 day field trial and bench show
2018 Florida State FHA 3 day field trial and bench show, February 14th-17th.
MOH Andy Bedgood. Run under National Rules
Entry Fee $60 per dog plus $10 memebership.
Bench show Thursday evening 6:00pm.
Garmin Alpha combo awarded to All Age and Derby HGA winners, dog food 1st-10th HGA plus categories. Also awards will be given to best mouth and classiest hound!
Will start taking numbers December 15th starting at 5:00 Pm. Please no calls after 9:00pm.
Contact Jay Paulson call or text 352-494-6542 or Cassy 352-494-6190
Re: 2018 Florida State FHA 3 day field trial and bench show
We have camper hookups but space is limited. 10 dollars per night if you use hookup. Would bring generator if you have one just in case all spots are taken. Looking forward to seeing everyone there Thanks
Re: 2018 Florida State FHA 3 day field trial and bench show
I'm coming buddy but don't think I'll need a fire truck. Can't wait to get up there and see all my friends. Got to have more than I got to even see any smoke. Lol
Re: 2018 Florida State FHA 3 day field trial and bench show
It's a pure shame that people get on here and run a hunt and the judges down that have no clue to what their talking about to begin with. Get on the other side of the wire and see for yourselves what goes on, many "hunters" would do a lot better job of culling if they would judge a three day or any other type of hunt instead of trying to make excuses for their dogs.
Re: 2018 Florida State FHA 3 day field trial and bench show
Ignorant comments like that is why it's so hard to get judges now as it is. Judging is a Thankless job to begin with. Who wants to go volunteer their time to be ridiculed after the hunt is over. Why don't the hunters volunteer their time to judge some instead of staying so busy hunting buggers and stirring up crap. Sure there are some "judges" that is in question, but why keep a bunch of crap going that is only going to run off the good judges.