2018 Santa Rosa foxhunter association 3 day field trial and bench show will be held Feb 28th through March the 3rd hounds run together scored separately entry fee $35 a dog membership $10 book opens january 15th for numbers please contact our secretary Jennifer Blair 18507361675 we hope to see you all there and wish you all a great new years
we are a month away from one of the best outside hunts around always a great time at this hunt good weather and good running conditions been seeing lots of coyote sign so that is a good thing hope to see you all then
Less than a week away looking forward to seeing you all next week at one of the greatest outside hunts want to thank midsouth feeds and specialty feeds and American foxhunting supplies(eastmans) Southeastern dog hunters Assoc. And all around hound supply for being our sponsors without y'all this hunt could not be the success that it is year after year thanks!
Just want to congratulate all who placed we had outstanding running for three solid days lots of coyote and fox running with great weather and an outstanding turnout on judges the most judges this hunt has had in a long time twenty one to be exact thanks see y'all next year your president -A.J. Coogle