4 pups whelped 7-3-17 out of Frasier Bros. Business Man X Canerday's Maggie. Canerday's Maggie is out of Lakehills Jaybird X Bate's Baby Girl. 2 males & 2 females. All B/W/T. litter enrolled. 4 pups whelped 8-3-17 out of Broadway's Curly Bill X Lebleu's Lil Bell. Lil Bell is out of Top Gun Fch Lake Hills Chili X Lewter's Lil Miss. 3 females & 1 male. All B/W/T. litter enrolled. 1 Gyp, Canerday's Saddie whelped 6-11-15. Out of River Dance Apple Jack X Canerday's Maggie. Fast, placed in several hunts (B/T). 1 Gyp, Canerday's Ruth whelped 2-11-16. Out of Ed's Singing Sam X Jane Guinea D (B/W/T). Fast, fits Western Derby. 1 Gyp whelped 4-5-14 out of Top Gun Fch Lakehill's Chili X Lewter's Lil Miss. Fast with clear mouth. (B/W/T Blanket back) 1 Gyp whelped 11-24-12 out of World Cup Bch Lakehills Stride X Strong Liquor July 53. Full littermate to FedEx. Bred to Ed's Singing Sam. Due in about 20 days (red w/pts) 1 Gyp, Canerday's Maggie. Whelped 3-3-10 out of Lakehill's Jaybird X Bate's Baby Girl. Outstanding brood gyp. In excellent shape. A proven producer. (b/t w/pts) For more information, call 318-727-5027.