Ok I have a gyp that I like coming into her first heat!! The dog I am thinking about breeding too has one litter on the ground and one about to be!! I like the first batch off him I bred him again but want to breed to something else to see if it’s him or the gyp!! Now I have bred dogs for over 20 some odd years but never bred on purpose the first cycle!! Any thoughts would you or would you wait! Help a fellow fox hunter out so I can make a decision lol !! God bless and happy hunting!!
Danny really just want to breed a few gyps to this male dog I got cause his first pups I like!! In fact I liked them so much I I bred him back to the same gyp again!! I probably gonna wait cause like I said I never bred one that young on purpose!! She’s not the best in fact she’s that white gyp I got you to train for me!! She has improved some she can run her own and jump game and doesn’t need any help!! But I am actually on the fence wether I really like her or not lol!!
Danny really just want to breed a few gyps to this male dog I got cause his first pups I like!! In fact I liked them so much I I bred him back to the same gyp again!! I probably gonna wait cause like I said I never bred one that young on purpose!! She’s not the best in fact she’s that white gyp I got you to train for me!! She has improved some she can run her own and jump game and doesn’t need any help!! But I am actually on the fence wether I really like her or not lol!! Really was wondering if anyone had luck breeding one that young!!
I don’t breed a gyp until she’s 3, mainly because I want to see what type of hound she makes as she matures. I don’t understand breeding a gyp at a real young age. I believe the gyp’s pups will take on the traits she has at 3-4 years old.
Mr.David that’s what I’ve always done waited till they were three unless I liked them and they got hurt before three but never before there second or third cycle guess what I mean to say is I tend to agree with you !! Even if my hounds have never been the caliber of you and Mr.Danny’s dogs!! But I try lol!! Thank you sir for your comment!! I really appreciate it!!
I’ve just always felt a hound would produce more of what they are e/were in their prime. A hounds isn’t supposed to be in their prime til 2.5-3.5 imo. I usually want to keep running them while they’re in their prime.