Shriner's Benefit Field Trial March 2 & 3 Swainsboro, Ga
Shriner's benefit hunt for The Shriner's Cripple and Burn Children's Hospital will be March 2 & 3 in Swainsboro, Ga at The United Fox Pen. 1 class open HGA, National rules. Bench show will be Friday night at 7:00. Hunt cast at daylight Saturday. Entry $40 per dog. Dog Feed for prizes. The Shriner's are planning on cooking Friday night and also for breakfast and lunch Saturday. BSJ & MOH will Mr. Kenny Lewis. Johnson's Dog Supply of Wray, Ga, has donated a Garmin TT15 to be raffled away and will have their supply trailer on hand. Hope to see you there. For numbers call Jake and Ellen Patrick at 912-728-3411 beginning Feb 4th at 6:00 pm.