Outside Benefit Hunt for Ray "Hippy"Shows. As most of you know by now January 1st my daddy was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer. So many people have been supportive and helpful during this difficult time. Daddy has been an avid hunter and houndsman his entire life. He has always loved a good hard running hound with a good mouth that can run the track. Ernie McKenney along with others are hosting a 3 hr All Age hunt on March 3, 2018 at Camp Shelby in South Mississippi. Entry fee will be $25 and entries will be taken at Dump Hill Camp ( Billy Smith's Camp). I am giving out numbers to help them out. If you need a number call me 601-408-9979. If you need information about the hunt call Ernie McKenney 601-543-7689. Roses Barb-Q will be selling chicken plates $10. Many businesses and friends have donated items for a live auction. The auction will begin at 1:00. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO MEDICAL BILLS. Everyone is invited. We sincerely appreciate all the support we have received.
Shaping up for a great hunt. Getting items donated everyday. Got 370 numbers out. Live auction at 1:00pm. Friends and family are all welcome to attend. Thank you for your support
Just want to take everybody that had a part in this hunt. It's was great running. Had 66 judges, 254 hounds. Had lots of good food, fellowship running and a great auction. Everything was amazing and never seen nothing the way this turned out. We raised $60,000. Thanks to everyone
Just want to thank everybody that had a part in this hunt. It's was great running. Had 66 judges, 254 hounds. Had lots of good food, fellowship running and a great auction. Everything was amazing and never seen nothing the way this turned out. We raised $60,000. Thanks to everyone