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Seed tick puppy hunt results

10th 1055 points 15 big worm (Jason's rampage hutch's scar ) THE EVIL EMPIRE
9th. 1080points. 4. May. (Clint's Santana. Clint's Mayhem). CLINT SHEPPARD
8th. 1085 points. 14 Smokie (Teat's Hero Crew's Racket) THE EVIL EMPIRE
7th. 1245 points. 9 Laffy Taffy (Thompson's Willie Bellie Up Susie). CLINT SHEPPARD
6th. 1280 points 72 Chyna (Teat's Hero Crew's Racket ) THE EVIL EMPIRE
5th. 1340 points. 11. Ham. (Clint's Santana Clint's Mayhem) CLINT SHEPPARD
4th. 1350 points. 73 Sable (Teat's Hero Crew's Racket) THE EVIL EMPIRE
3rd. 1465 points. 8. Silk. (Teat's Hero Crew's Racket) THE EVIL EMPIRE
2nd 1630 points 12 Hutch's Lucille (Jason's Rampage Hutch's Scar ) TRAVIS HUTCHINSON
1st. 1810 points. 5 Dana. (Clint's Santana Dana's Lucy) CLINT SHEPPARD