What if anything will kill hookworms and their eggs in dirt pens? I use Lime and can't use too much because it will blister their feet. Any good ideas? Thanks.
I took my dog out of the pens and used bleach once or twice and haven't had them back so far yet, and I started cleaning my pens every other day. Seems to have worked. I had them pretty bad.
1 gal. bleach to 3 gal water in backpack sprayer for the first day. The second day 1 gal. househole amonia to 3 gal. water. Third day water it down lightly. Now your pens are clean and disinfected. Works very well for me.
Approximately 2 years ago I had the worse case I’ve ever had, the Veterinarians got Bayer involved and still no success. My Vet finally reccommended Salt or Borate. I bought the bags of salt at the local feed store, it’s very inexpensive. Just broadcast and repeat in about a week or so. This was the only thing that got rid of the hooks, spent a fortune on wormer and in the end, a $4.00 bag of salt and cleaning the pens is what took care of it. Good luck.