April puppy hunt at Still Branch fox pen in Tickfaw, LA previously Blew- By-U. 215 acres plenty seasoned game. Cast at daylight. This hunt is on a Sunday. This hunt was previously scheduled on Feb. 11, but i canceled it due to weather. Hunters will keep the numbers they had for 1st. hunt. Plenty good numbers left. Call (985) 351-5000 for numbers or for running. 50$ entry fee paying back 30$ CRHA dues will come out of the pens money.
1st. # 22 BCK Silk BCK Cash X Adams Sandra BCK
2nd. # 57 F&F Sue Hippy's John X BW's Little Gal Fast and Furious
3rd. # 19 Fitzgerald's Zeke T Byrd's Ben X Top Notch Holly Laramie Fitzgerald
4th. # 10 F&F Handsome Hippy's John X lott's Lizzy Fast and Furious
5th. #8 F&F Blaze Hippy's John X BW's Little Gal Fast and Furious
6th. # 50 F&F Peanut 747 Peanut X Hippy's Pearl Fast and Furious
7th. #45 Lossett's Chevy 747 Peanut X Hippy's Pearl Don Lossett
8th. # 4 Bad Moon Butterfly Broadway's Curly Bill X Broadway's Shania Bad Moon Rising
9th. # 100 Big John Valentine's Cam X B&H Lil Red JJ, Craig , and Matt
10th. # 11 Bad Moon Honeybun Broadway's Curly Bill X Broadway's Wiggles Bad Moon Rising
Thanks to the 16 judges that came out and work to score this good group of puppies. 41 pups entered.