
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Ben Hill passes Away

A fox hunting legend in our part of the country has passed away he will be missed by many please pray for his family.
The first field trial I went to was the northwest Florida 2 day in 1982 Ben was the master of hounds he was a great houndsman and was part of our fox hunting family at the Sandsifters fox pen I will post the arrangements tomorrow.

Re: Ben Hill passes Away

I can see that "tall drink of water" and "big cowboy hat" now, judging bench shows. We'll miss you Ben Hill.

Re: Ben Hill passes Away

Ben's funeral services will be Friday march 23rd at James and sikes funeral home 4278 Lafayette st. Marianna FL visitation 10:00 service at 11:00

Re: Ben Hill passes Away

Ben was a good friend of mine, with a personality as big as him.

Re: Ben Hill passes Away

Prayers for The Hill Family , MAY GOD BLESS