Florida State Derby Winners:
1st place Hound 201 Get Ahead Ghost (Ch. DH Trigger X New River Smutt) owned by Get Ahead Kennel
2nd place Hound 77 Foggy Mtn Spade (Ch. DH Trigger X Rad’s Monkey) Owned by Foggy Mnt Kennel
3rd place Hound 31 Triple Crown’s Delta (Amble Ridge Jimmy X Sullivans Rocket) Owned by Triple Crown Kennel
4th place Hound 36 Hally Berry (B & B Texas X Valentines Blue Berry) Owned by South Bryan Kennel
5th place Hound 56 Temple’s Hammer (Teat’s Hero X Hutchinson’s Kate) Owner State Lyne Kennel
6th place Hound 20 Evans Rose (Vegas CJ X Vegas Ann) by Richard Evans
7th place Hound 202 Padgett’s Duke (Padgett’s Fargo X Goodes Debbie) Owned by David Padgett
8th place Hound 73 Black Boy (Ch. Lakehills Redman X Agnew Roxxanne) Owned by Lead Dog/Can’t Get It Right Kennel
9th place Hound 911 RD’s Lilly (Ch. RD’s Jesse James X RD’s Dancer) Owned by Smokem Out
10th place Hound 69 R&W’s Mary (K&P’s Yahoo X J Watts Calcutta) Owned by R&W Kennel
Florida State All Age Winners:
1st place Hound 774 D&D Sadie (Ch. D&H Trigge X Rad’s Monkey) Owned by D&H Kennel and also Combination Winner
2nd place Hound 401 Radcliffe’s Fancy (Ch. Radcliff Jessie X JJ’s Robin) Owned by Grady, Caleb
Jacob Radcliffe
3rd place Hound 803 Bobby’s Real Faith (Ch. RD’s Jessie James X Henpecks Nasty) Owned by Bobby Parker
4th place Hound 477 Pressley’s Izzy (Grab & Go Ben X Pressley’s Ellie) Owned John & Otis Pressley
5th place Hound 816 Radcliffe’s Bull (Ch. Radcliff Jessie X JJ’s Robin) Owned by Grady, Caleb
Jacob Radcliffe
6th place hound 313 Riels Ben (Jason’s Rampage X Jason’s Paris) Owned by Wicked Walker Kennels
7th place Hound 515 New River Sandy (Ch. John’s X Man X New River Julie) Owned by New River Kennels
8th place Hound 777 D&H Waylon (Ch. D&H Trigger X Rad’s Monkey) Owned by D&H Kennel
9th place Hound 426 C&H’s Olivia (Ch. Fatboy’s John Deere X Buck Island PJ) Owned by C&H Foxhound Kennels
10th place Hound 600 Sheppard’s Spook (R & W’s Go Daddy X Triple Crown’s Razor) Owned by Randy Sheppard
The combination winner is the first place dog d&h Sadie we added it to the end of the name and breed stand by and I will get u the separate entries cliff