
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Arkansas State

2018 Arkansas State
October 11th, 12th and 13th
T and T Fox Pen
Grapevine Arkansas
Master Rules
MOH Jeromy Sullivent
Two Day Derby, Three day all age
$45 derby, $50 all age
Two ton of Showtime dog feed given away to winners. Pride will be given away to winners too..
Camper hookups and Kennels at the pen.
Bench show Thursday evening after 1st day of running.
Start giving out numbers September 3rd. Call or text me at 870 451 4277

Re: Arkansas State

Books opened today!!!

Re: Arkansas State


Re: Arkansas State

Hunt just 2 weeks away will have 2 ton of Showtime and 1000 lbs of Pride dog feed to be awarded.