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2018 Leaderboard Awards Program-Top Finalist for HOY, KOY, SOY and DOY

Well, for field trailers and dog lovers, 2018 was yet another exciting year for the Master’s Leaderboard hound and hunter recognition program sponsored by the Hunter’s Horn Magazine, Pride Feeds, Showtime Feeds and Specialty Feeds. For 2018, we entered data into the Leaderboard Foxhound Awards program for 165 field trials (derby & AA) and what an exciting year. Thank you to all of the directors and secretaries who have submitted their trial information and was willing to parti****te. I’m sure the hounds men, hounds women and hounds appreciate your time.
So for 2018, we decided to do things a little different and announce the “unofficial” Top 30 results for each category instead of holding the final top spots until the Masters field trial banquet. This decision was made to ensure the owners of the top HOY, KOY, SOY and DOY have a chance to review their points presented below before the final awards are presented.

Now, the points presented below are the final calculated points based on the guidelines presented within the rules. The points presented below are the final calculated points I have for each individuals Top 12 placements in KOY plus travel bonus (remember, only your Top 12 points trials count, not total). Top 12 points trials for SOY and DOY. All placements for HOY plus travel bonus, minus the number of trials that can count for any single pen. If you are listed below and feel there is a mistake, please feel free to contact me and we will review.

After February 10, 2019, the results will be declared final and the Top 20 for each category will be recognized at the Masters Field Trial banquet, currently scheduled to be held on March 20th in Picayunne, MS. Details of the exact location will be posted at a later date.

The “UNOFFICIAL” final “top” 30 spots for HOY, DOY, SOY and KOY for 2018 are listed in order below:
p 30 Hounds
Total Travel Bonus Grand Total
Pinedale Bonnie B. 2336 250 2586
Lakehill's All Business 1979.5 300 2279.5
Opie's Spot Rock 1330 100 1430
Pinedale Bomber B. 1206 100 1306
Fras. Bros. Honey Dew 1111.5 150 1261.5
Hoehner's Cricket H. 1057 200 1257
Mama Dee W. 1175 50 1225
McMillan's Little Man 1110.5 100 1210.5
Bond's Isabella 1005 200 1205
Opie's Ring 1115 50 1165
Hoehner's Josie 1054 100 1154
Bass' Mattie 970 150 1120
Copeland's Mojo 1060 50 1110
Forty Creek Marcell 900 200 1100
B&B's Top Gun 924 150 1074
Steele's Libby 839 200 1039
Wallace's Diceman 980 50 1030
Blaine's Black Leg 920 100 1020
Top Notch Rugaroo 861 150 1011
Tart's Thelma Lou 855 150 1005
Georgia W. 950 50 1000
Katie McCallum 892.5 100 992.5
J-Bird's Elija M. 938.5 50 988.5
Wallace's Hail Mary 938 50 988
Wallace's Peggy 851 100 951
Ray's Tap 890 50 940
Tuff's Cream Smith 835 100 935
McMillan's Clear Water 883.5 50 933.5
B&B's Mercer 780 150 930
Big L's Cole 810 100 910

Top 30 Sires
Total Points Top 12
Whisenant's Jimmy B. 15950 9852
McMillan's Little D 12763.5 8515.5
Jet Pilot Ray 6321.5 5503.5
Fras. Bros. Businessman 6869 4920.5
White Lightning Ray 4627 4619.5
Crisco's Charlie 4528 4528
MK's Moe 5204 4415
CMK's Calvary IGWT 5099.5 4327
Cox's Raj 3551 3343
Bond's Wheeler 4431 3370.5
Pinedale Swiper B. 3243 3243
BBK Rondo 3211 3211
J. Bird's Big Eddie M. 3014.5 3014.5
Buckshot's Hardrock 3024 2954
P&D's Skid Row 2886 2868
Lakehill's Millionaire 2713 2713
Ray's Ace J. 3087 2687
Pinedale Stump B. 2756.5 2686.5
D&S Mighty Man 2618 2618
McCallum's White Cash 2356 2338.5
Kyle's Petey 2326 2326
Jason's Rampage 2270.5 2270.5
Vaupel's Fed Ex 2186 2186
RD's Jesse James 2170.5 2170.5
Nash's Willie 2140 2140
H&P Paul 2139 2139
Fatboy's John Deere 2109 2109
Norris' Big Boy 2005 2005
D&H Trigger 1941 1941
Lakehill's Gus G. 1929 1929

Top 30 2018 “Registered” Kennels
Total Top 12 Travel Bonus Top 12 + Travel Bonus
B&B Kennels 9324 7920 250 8170
Ronnie McMillan 9543 7144 200 7344
Power Drive Kennels 8819 6875 150 7025
South MS. Boyz 6187 5337 100 5437
Pinedale Kennels 6184.5 5253 150 5403
Fras. Bros. Kennels 5540 4201 250 4451
Top Flite Kennels 4777.5 4084.5 300 4384.5
Dog Pile Kennels 4144 4144 150 4294
Buckin Bull Kennels 4352 4082 50 4132
J.W. Webb & Clyde Ely 3913.5 3913.5 200 4113.5
Hoehner Boys Kennels 3822 3822 150 3972
Lakehills Kennels 3361.5 3361.5 250 3611.5
Hopewell Springs Kennels 4756 3405 100 3505
Strictly Mafia Kennels 3172.5 3172.5 250 3422.5
Opie Kennels 3255 3255 150 3405
Triple "B" Kennels 2708.5 2708.5 350 3058.5
S&L's Kennel & James Ray 2952 2722 50 2772
Copeland Kennels 2646 2646 50 2696
S&N Kennels 2397.5 2397.5 150 2547.5
Efird Kennels 2297 2297 200 2497
Miller Kennels 2291 2291 150 2441
Frank Williamson 3133 2388 50 2438
D&H Kennels 2086 2086 100 2186
South Georgia Oak Creek Po Boys 2090 2090 50 2140
The Evil Empire Kennels 1825 1986 100 2086
Virginia Breeze Kennels 1972.5 1972.5 100 2072.5
Lil Biloxi Kennels 1867 1867 200 2067
Whiskey Creek Kennels 1821 1821 200 2021
McCallum Kennels 1729 1729 100 1829
Note- The following 6 kennels finished high but were not listed within the 2018 KOY registry-
Crisco, Tart & Lineberry
Hill's Kennels
Out of Control Kennels
Butler C & Longneck Kennels
Parker/Davis Kennels
Rod Gann

Top 30 Dams
Total Top 12 Trials
Efird's Brandy 4563.5 4377.5
B&B's Pearl 3202 3202
Opie's Kitty 2871 2871
Pinedale Olivia B. 3189 2868
Fras. Bros. Two Step 2231.5 2231.5
Crisco's Star 2030 2030
Alley Cat S. 1995.5 1995.5
J&L's Miley "C" 1967 1967
Franklin's Jewel 1902 1902
Blanton's Blacky 1898 1898
W.T.'s Brickhouse 2025 1865
BBK's DB's Wildfire 1816 1816
Wilson's Dee Dee 1798.5 1798.5
Flint Ridge Squaw 1764 1764
Webb's Red Head 1705 1705
Ronnie's Flo 1678 1678
McMillan's Fire 1596 1596
Pine Valley Holly 1767 1564
Krankin Krazy Mercedes 1477 1477
Ray's Brandy J. 1457 1457
Big Creek Minnie 1415 1415
Pinedale MyMy B. 1410 1410
Sandy Branch Wendy 1404 1404
Bobby's Ms. Cotton 1326 1326
Lil Mule's Hooker 1238.5 1238.5
Miller's Lil Toodles 1236 1236
J&S April 1230 1230
Ray's Windy 1230 1230
Bond's Rita 1176 1176
Rad's Monkey 1171 1171

Re: 2018 Leaderboard Awards Program-Top Finalist for HOY, KOY, SOY and DOY