
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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2 age puppy hunt

March 9th at pen in Montgomery Louisiana.
The hunt will be at Bo Broadways pen. 10 month and under and 12 month and younger. Dogs will be turned out at 6 and judging begins at 6:30 until 9:30. $40 per dog with 60 percent payback
Text 3185194813 for numbers. The judges will not have dogs in the hunt. I know I left some information off been a long time since we have had a hunt. Pens running good and have plenty of good judges

Re: 2 age puppy hunt

So is the dates 10 months 29 days and 12months 29 days or is it under 10months and under 12 months

Re: 2 age puppy hunt

Just like it said, 10 under 12 under

Re: 2 age puppy hunt

Results from Saturday
Young class. Old class
1 Dickey sims. 1. Lance cocoa
2 Travis caskey. 2 Gerald dowden
3 chase Whitney bell
3 William Lewis
4 Travis caskey. 4 BMR
5. Travis caskey. 5 William Lewis
6 Travis caskey. 6 chase and Whitney bell
7 Joe cocoa. 7 Gerald Snowden
8 Joe cocoa. 8 legend kennel
9 C and W bell. 9 Dickey sims
10 legend kennel 10 BMR
Congratulations to allP