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2019 NC State Field Trial and Bench Show Ad

2019 North Carolina State Fox Hunters Association
Bench Show & Field Trial
September 18 - 21, 2019
Triple B Fox Preserve, Wallace, NC
(376 Angola Bay Road, Wallace, NC 28466)

Nationally Affiliated
Will count for the 2019 Leaderboard

2 Day Derby
3 Day All Age

Entry Fee $75.00 per Hound
Membership Fee $20.00

Run Together, Scored Separately

Dog Feed and Awards will be presented to the winners in the field

Entries on Wednesday, September 18th from Noon to 6:00 P.M.
At 6:00 P.M. pen owner Vaden Bond and helpers will provide a free welcome meal
Bench Show to follow at 7:00 P.M.

Master of Hounds: Bill McGee – Pilot Mountain, NC
Assistant Master of Hounds: Jabo Hobby – Wray, Ga.
Bench Show Judge: Jabo Hobby – Wray, Ga.
Ring Master: Dale Parker – Ludowici, Ga.

There will be a limit of 200 hounds for this event - 70 Derby and 130 All Age

To give each person a chance to parti****te, we are using the following process:

Starting August 8th at 6:00 PM and ending August 17th at 10:00 PM, anyone wishing to run hounds should call association secretary Jeff Brinchek at 919-284-1135 to get their name on a membership list for the 2019 NC State

Once this period is over, the number of memberships will be divided into hound limits in each class and each member will be called back in the order they got their membership. Each member will be offered an amount of entries in each class and will get their numbers for those entries at this time.

Derby Numbers: 0-69 All Age Numbers: 70-999

Once a person receives their numbers, they have seven days to get their money to the secretary for their full entries and membership. If the money is not received in the allotted time, the entries and hound numbers will be offered to another person in a fair and consistent manner.

This leaves one thing for the members to do on Wednesday, September 18th when they arrive,
Provide an entry sheet with their hounds info and assigned number.

This will also be the 100th Anniversary of the creation of the
NC State Fox Hunters Association
There will be a special handout done for this occasion and anyone interested in placing an ad in the handout should contact
Bill McGee (336-407-5174) or Lamar Blalock (704-985-4871) or Jeff Brinchek

Roger Johnson, President
252-523-9417 (home)
252-560-2966 (cell)

Jeff Brinchek, Sec/Treas
919-284-1135 (home)
919-631-1694 (cell)