
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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* * * Next year is the 20th year of the Carolina Breeders Cup. * * *

* * * Next year is the 20th year of the Carolina Breeders Cup. * * *

The One Day in May has been good , and a nice tune up for the 2 day in September.

This year we will be getting an early look at the competitors-

We are having a puppy hunt for Anything born in 2019 at the FoxFire pen in Paxville,SC on January 11th.

It will be 4 hours, run under 5 minute Masters GTP scoring. $30 per dog.

Numbers will start Monday , December 9th at 7 pm.

Hank Cranford 843-709-6204

As is the usual anymore, there is a limit on entries , So it will be 3 numbers per person to start..... and one number in the 1-19 range per call.

The top 3 in GTP will get free entry to the One Day in May.

Dog food and prizes to the top 10.

Thanks, Hank Cranford