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Southern Star .....Wondering

Rumors on the street is the Southern Star Hunt was protested due to inaccurate scores? I was wondering what that really means or even if it’s true. If it is true does it mean anything to us that was right out of the money?Thansks in advance.

Re: Southern Star .....Wondering

I am not aware of any protests.

Re: Southern Star .....Wondering

Are you aware of any inaccurate scores ?

Re: Southern Star .....Wondering

Put your name and you will get an answer. The hunt posted all scores on top 10 SD every day. The Southern Star has nothing to hide, not even out name.

Re: Southern Star .....Wondering

I have been contacted by a member of the board committee. It appeared to be just rumors about a protest all rumors.It was a great hunt and I am satisfied with the results as they stand I was just asking a question. I have been to bunch of hunts and never seen a protest. That was all I was asking. Thanks Red Dot for all you do for the dog hunting world. Not sure what Wondering was trying to find out.