C&M 2 Day Derby
Masters Affiliated/ Run Under GTP Rules
July 28th,29th, 30th, 2022
C&M Fox Preserve
1270 Dessie Rd.
Chadbourn, N.C. 28431
Free Appreciation meal on Thursday, July 28th at 6:00pm
Bench Show including a child class also Thursday, July 28th at 7:00pm
Entry fee: $100.00, Master of Hounds: Clyde Sutton
No Membership Fees, Asst. Master of Hounds: Jody Duvall
Camper Hook Ups Available, Bench Show Judge: Johnny Shaw
Motels In Whiteville, N.C., Ring Master: Jody Duvall
The one day option will be available.
Numbers will be given out starting at 7:30pm till 9:30pm on Wednesday night, July 6th. and same time each night thereafter. Call Lonnie Ward 910-234-0669
Enter hounds from 4:00pm till 8:00pm on Thursday July 28th and 4:00am till 5:00am on July 29th.
Kennels will be assigned at time of entry. Cast at DAYLIGHT and run 5 hours.
2022 Run for the Side-By-Side and Leaderboard qualified.
Each kennel can receive up to 8 numbers and their name added to waiting list if they need more. A deposit of $30.00 per entry will be due by July 16th at 7:30pm. At that time the waiting list can receive their extra numbers and can also pick from those whose deposits have not been received. These numbers must have their deposits paid by July 23rd at 7:30pm.
We will eliminate 25% of total entries after 1st day of running.
High scoring dog each day will be rewarded
1st place will receive $500.00 cash , an embroidered Jacket, and ½ ton of feed
2nd place will receive $300.00 cash , and feed as usual.
3rd place will receive $200.00 cash, and feed as usual.
4th-10th will receive feed as usual