Master's 3 Day Leaderboard Top 40 Hounds as Currently Calculated
The 2022 Field Trial year is 99% complete with one key trail remaining, The Masters World Cup at Enon, LA. For those who may be contemplating about attending the World Cup and wondering where your hound may stand against the rest of the hounds in HOY, the following are the "unofficial" Top 40 hounds. The points shown below are "grand total points" which includes field trial points and "travel" bonus points" as currently calculated.
Hollow Oak's Lady May 1595
B&B's Lucy Lou T. 1530
SS Davide 1429
Hard Liquor Jack D. 1277
Hill's Victoria 1255.5
Fire Fly 1247
Bond's Buckskin Ray 1216
Pop Tart 1215
SS Mouse 1207
Silas Creek Moana 1172
Kyle's Lil Kesha 1127
Bond's Amy 1126
High Cotton Romeo 1120
Sandy Mill's Chaos 1078
Smoke Top's Lil B. 1065
Bond's Abby Gail 1031
No Mercy Redlegs 956.5
TNT's Hub Ray M. 951
T. Jessie's Wizard 950.5
Croaker's Demon 916
Superstar 886
Clark's Sophia 880
No Pitty Stump Saw 880
Sharkey's Rumor 869
B&B's Crazy Lady T. 869
B&B's Charity T. 867.5
B&B's Sam T. 845
Cliborne's Kaye 835
Ray's Tic Toc 832
Miss Tammy Wynette S. 832
Lakehill's Jane 791
Bond's Bunny 790
Hi-C Smut Face 789
East Coast Abigail 784
3-County Sneaky 780
Lakehill's Chilli Business 778
Haven's Cupcake 771
Mtn Top Juice 760
B&B's Lil Katie T. 757
Craft's U-Haul 755