1st- # 61 Big Creek Downtown (Ch.Big Creek Sam x Big Creek Sissy) Big Creek Knl- Purvis,MS
2nd- #16- Top Notch Nate (Top Notch Ch. x Duraway's Reba) Top Notch Knl- Ponchtoula, La.
3rd #67- RJP's Seymour (Ch.Seymours Lil Rally x RJP's JOJO)Robbie Parker - Saucier, MS.
4th #5 McMillan's Terminator (Ch. McMillan's Little D. x Hurst's Flying Spook)- Ronnie McMillan Crystal Springs, MS
5th # 4 McMillan's Pharoah (Ch. McMillian's Little D. x AADutchess of Dark) Ronnie McMillan Crystal Springs Ms.
6th # 15 Top Notch Bolo (Top Notch CJ x Top Notch Frecules) Top Notch Knls- Ponchatoula, La.
7th - #31 WP (B) CH. Top Notch Joey- (Top Notch Yogi x Top Notch Dora)- Top Notch Knls- Ponchatoula, La.
8th #81 Webb's Captain (DM Pull 2 x Krystal Klear Zipper) Webb & Ely- Ocean Springs, MS.
9th- # 41 Webb's Ala (Whisenant's JimmyB x Whisenant's StacyB) Webb & Ely Ocean Springs, Ms.
10th # 3 – McMillan’s Big Man- (Ch. McMillan’s Little D x Hurst Yellow Jacket) – Ronnie McMillan, Crystal Springs, MS.
All Age- HGA
1st- #143 Hines Tall Boy R. (JW's Big Boy x Hines Happy R.) Richey & Hunter Hines Madison MS,
2nd- # 180 Webb's Lemon Lady (Webb's Whiteman x Hell Cat Guinea) Webb & Ely Ocean Springs, Ms
3rd - # 148 Hines Ladybug R. (JW's Big Boy x Hines's Happy R.) Richie & Hunter Hines Madison, Ms.
4th- #170 Webb's Pretty Man (Lakehill’s Chili Man x Webb's Red Gal) Webb & Ely Ocean Springs, Ms
5th – Kyle’s Petey ( Cochran’s Pete x Don’s Judy) Strictly Mafia, Kiln, MS.
6th -#704 Gator Creek Roster (JW's Busy boy x Gator Creek Mandy) Gator Creek Knls - Lumberton, MS.
7th - #101 Webb's Lemon (Webb’s Red Rock x White Judy W) - Webb & Ely , Ocean Springs, MS.
8th - # 191 Josh’s Lil Man (Josh’s Ten Top x Kyles Stickey) Strictly Mafia, Kiln, MS.
9th- #181 Josh’ Oakley (Josh’s Ten Top x S&L Shug) Strictly Mafia , Kiln, MS.
10th #711- WW’s Taylor Swift (Josh’s Ten Top x S & L Shug) Strictly Mafia, Kiln, MS
•Best In Show- #117 McMillan’s Iron Man (Ch. McMillan’s Little D. x AA Duchess of Dark( Ronnie McMillan, Crystal Springs, MS.
•Best Opposite Sex- #148 Hines Lady Bug R. (JW Big Boy x Hines Happy R) Richie & Hunter Hines, Madison, MS.
•AA Dual & Combination # 143 Hines Tall Boy R. (JW Big Boy x Hines Happy R.) Richie & Hunter Hines
•AA Classiest Hound #704- Gator Creek Roster – (JW Busy Boy x Gator Creek Mandy)
•AA Best Mouth- #711 WW’s Taylor Swift (Josh’s Ten Top x S & L Shug) WW Kennels
•Derby- Classiest Hound #4 McMillan’s Pharoah (Mc.Millan’s Little D x Hurst’s Flying Spook) Ronnie McMillan
•Derby- Best Mouth #9 Westbrooks Flame- (Mc.Millan’s Golden Gun x Daisey Jawney) Johnny Westbrook
•Derby Combo. #61 Big Creek Downtown – Big Creek Sam x Big Creek Sissy) Big Creek Knls, Purvis Ms.