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Support for People With Mental Illnesses
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Mental Illness Support

My wife suffers from mental illness. She is 32 years old. She presently works as a paralegal at a law firm and attends law school.
I want her to realize that there are a lot of people out there that battle mental illness every day. Please, if you can give her a call or write to her that she is not alone. She has to believe that mental illness is not the end of the world. Her name is Tracy Henderson. You can reach her at 831-375-3135 or send a letter to: Tracy Henderson, Law Office of David Hollingsworth, 126 Bonifacio Pl., Monterey, CA 93940.

Re: Mental Illness Support

Hi there;
First of all I would like to commend you on your concern for your wife. I am a personal suffer of depression. I am 36 and this has been going on with me for years. Sometimes life is good and other times it is not.
Mental Illness is a very widely used title and I just wondered what form of mental illness in particular your wife is suffering from? There are so many degrees. I recently read a study that concluded that 1 out of every 6 Canadians suffer some form of depression. I know by the address that you are not in Canada, but the world is the world and we are all in it together. Has this been going on for a long time or has it developed over these past few very stressful years?
Your wife is far from being alone. Everywhere you turn you hear about someone else you know being put on antidepressants.
Mental illness is not the end of the world unless we use it for that purpose. Are you and your wife receiving any counselling services, help from a pastor or a doctor? If not ,the internet is a great place to read up on all forms and degrees of mental illness.
I know from personal experience that my embarrassment has sometimes prevented me from seeking the help I need. If I had cancer would I not seek the help I needed or told people why I felt unwell? The problem is that mental illness isnot seen for what it is, an "illness" Just because it can't be seen on an x-ray does not mean it isn't real. For a person with mental illness it is soooooooo....... real! Way too real.

I am sure I wasn't very helpful, but if you would like to give a little more detail about things I would be glad to be a fellow advocate.

Take care;
Thinking of you in Canada