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Support for People With Mental Illnesses


Support for People With Mental Illnesses
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curious about YOUR "community" health care

Hello. I have been diagnosed bi-polar since I was a young teen. The journey of my mood disorder has been traitorous and scary and exciting and hopeful. I now feel ready to return to college. I will be taking only one class (don’t want to over do it and get stressed). The course I am taking is Cross Cultural Psychology. This subject encompasses many aspects of mental health from various cultures. I will be learning about mental wellness and the struggles we must work through every day- from housing to funding; services; and other prominent issues.

My request from you, as a person who is being treated for a mental disorder or if you have a family member in the system- is for you to say your piece on the services you have received since being diagnosed, be it a positive experience or a negative one.

All experiences received will be anonymous, please use your first name only. My plan for this project is both for school and for the interest of our leglislatures. We need to let them know if we are receiving proper care (counseling and medication) and if we are not, WHY NOT???

Please e-mail me your experience at
Thank you and I wish you well.

Who am I?

I have bi-polar disorder, and I have a wonderful support community.I am not just "another" psyc. student...I am a big ADVOCATE for mental health. I am a member of NAMI. I have taught a recovery education course called "Peer to Peer," covering many issues surrounding mental heath. My goal is to try and make a difference for those who are not receiving adequate care. Please e-mail me about your experience in the mental health care world. I know some very important people who can help make decisions to make a difference
I would enjoy e-mail response, or I will check back to this board every day.
I care,
Bella Celestina