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Cats Bring Comfort

I am new to this site and I am finding it very stimulating.

Interesting fun fact for ya'll, I was seeing an Art Therapist, Not Usually Recogized in medical circles, but she asked me to put together a collache' and several of the pictures I picked was of cats. She said you could tell alot about a person by the pictures they picked for the collache'.

She told me the reason I picked the cats was because the cats represented comfort for me. They cuddle, and purr. They are always loyal.

I own three cats now, but recently buried my sweet old lady of 16 years "Molly", best cat I ever had. My best friend calls me the Catlady.

Re: Cats Bring Comfort

so true!
I recently moved inot my second in a row abode that does not allow animals. I was very upset to find that out. my neighbors have a dog but it's not the same. I lived in a place for three months that did not allow pets and ws very much looking forward to a pet. I love cats very much. My very favorite pets have been cats. They are very loyal and very important in a persons mental health. I have severe depression along with several other things, but I (used) to find that cats could comfort me in ways that nothing else could. Good luck here on out with your pets, Deb

Re: Cats Bring Comfort

My kitty makes a huge difference to the quality of my life. I know that not everyone likes kitties, some people are more dog oriented. I just love the purring.

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