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Support for People With Mental Illnesses
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Re: stigma

I don't have an antedote, but I an interested in talking with you about this subject. I am trying to start up a foundation to combat the stigma against mental illness and the media is the avenue I feel we need to take to get the word out.

You see, simply put, and I hope I do not offend anyone, living with a mental illness is much like living in the closet when you were a member of the gay community back before the celebrity comunity began coming out of the closet.

It is our symptoms that make us SEEM so different. When properly diagnosed, medicated and understood, many of us can function in society as well as any other "normal" people".

The Surgeon General report of 1999 stated that 1 in 5 people suffer from mental illness, but it also stated that it was suspected that 50% did not seek treatment, and could not be counted. If this is true, this 1 in 5 number is grossly underestimated.

If a person is in a wheelchair, we make consession for thier disability. But, when a person has a mental illness, you can't SEE the the disability and there is an element of the unknown, which is where I think the problem lies.

Will you email me, I would like to talk further with you about joining togther, and campaining against the stigma.

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i'm writing a feature article on the stigma of mental illness, in the media particularly... does anyone have an anecdote or example of WHAT in the media has affected them ie; a commercial, a TV show etc and how it affected you? i really need some anecdotes to put into the article so pleeeease help! thanx )