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Support for People With Mental Illnesses
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Re: Reversing The Stigma Of Mental Illness

I'd be willing. But I don't want norms to be involved. I really don't think it'll do much, short of a MASSIVE strike on our part. I'm talking NO WORK from ANY mentally ill person. None. The damn norms use us as their clowns and indentured servants, so let's let the norms do the menial work. After all their supposed to be the PINNACLE of morality and compassion.

Better yet, let's march on Washington and lay SIEGE to the Capitol and FORCE them to deal with us. The time for kissing the butt of the norm is over. All we ever get from being "reasonable" is another shot in the head. I say NO FREEDON,, NO EQUALITY, NO PEACE!!!

Kwizatz Hadderach

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Replying to:

Dear Friends and Fellow Members of the Mentally Ill Community,

It is with the full consent of Katwoman that I leave this message on the message board.

I have read many of the messages, here and on other sites for the mentally ill. I suffer from BPD, PTSD, and Depression. I walk the same road, hills and valleys and fall off the same ledges at times, that you all do.

It is truly sad when one of our people feel so much despair that they are on the edge because of misinterpretation, mismedication, overmedication, and most of all STIGMA'S.

I have a dream. My dream is with great ambition on my part and it can not be done alone. I need your help. We need to band together to prove that we are not what the stigma's say we are.

Yes we may have our low's and we may have our high's, but we are people. We are people with an illness, that is all, it's just an illness.

I want to form a Foundataion to Reverse the Stigma's Against Mental Illness. The Idea is this, it is put together by people with mental illness, and by it's very nature we prove our point. The Stigma is wrong. We campaign in the USA to Reverse the Stigma Against Mental Illness through the media, supported by Grant money.

For many having a mental illness is like being gay, they are afraid to come out of the closet because of the stigma so they suffer in silence and refuse treatment because of the stigma.

I think there is power in numbers. I think that if we hold each others hand along the way and support each other in a way that no one else would understand we could make it work.

According to the Surgeon Generals report of 1999 1 in 5 people in the USA suffer from mental illness. If this was the case in 1999, maybe it is time we rethink the term "normal"

The purpose of this message is to get you thinking and to ask any of you out there if you would be willing and able to join me in forming this foundation.

I have some great ideas for getting the word out. I need more people, remember there is power in numbers.

There is Grant money available to Foundations for this kind of purpose. Anyone interested in talking about this?