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Re: Re: Paranoia & anger issues


I am not in to labelling at all. I know what it is to feel angry and alienated and to believe "normal" people are without understanding or brains at all. But, it's important to remember that they're all individuals, and some of the "norms" are people that feel as much pain as you or I, but are not revealing it. Do you do much reading? I'd say I feel befriended by books, often. Writers can have this outsider's take on fact, I don't know if you can develop much insight without some degree of aloneness and detachment. So, what do you do with your sensitivity? Seems you have enormous passion you could express in some art form. I think that when others hurt us, they hurt themselves...and it works the other way too...hurting others can ultimately destroy you. So I am with you in wishing that you make a solid legitamate place for the way you see things, and that you will be heard. (me too_) Peace.