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Support for People With Mental Illnesses
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Re: ok mister L

I think being able to talk about it to someone who seems to at least know what you are going through helps. I hope you make it to the doctor in time.

I really wish there was a shorter wait once someone goes to get help

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I'm 17 and going crazy, or at least I think I am. I'm really messed up, but i'm completely aware of it. Thats what makes it tough, i wish i could just get better or just snap, i don't care which. my mind will never stop thinking, alls i want is a break from my conscience. and it gets worse, my mood flutuates weekly if not daily. it's really hard to deal with simple tasks like calling friends or even my girlfriend. I recently told my parents i have a problem after a few years of wondering if something was really wrong with me, but its been getting worse lately. I'm going to see a doctor in a week but i wonder if i'm even going to make it. I wonder why i'm even writing this, i guess it does help a little bit just knowing i'm not alone out there.