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Support for People With Mental Illnesses
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I blank people when they hassle me

I get quite a bit of hassle and it's not all due to my mental health but to stupid ignorant people in the street and in public buildings who can't work out whether someone is approachable or not. My way of coping is to turn my back on them or look at them as if they are speaking a foreign language or in an incomprehensible dialet of English. I don't go round smiling at people when I'm in a "don't bother me today mood or I might snap". As soon as I feel I am getting better I feel like I'm going back down again because of the hassle I get in the street on the days when I don't feel like talking to people or when I am otherwise pre occupied. I end up staying at home a lot and getting depressed again or carrying on with my life as normal and getting more and more anxious. Does anyone have any tips on how to cope with this. (I get so wound up - I end up telling people to "fuck off")