Witch Board

a place for teens to chat, meet, ask questions, post spells or whatever!

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New witch..

I'm a fairly new solitary witch and happened to drop by here...

I've been researching wicca for the past year now and felt it was right for me.

Came across your site Medea... Nice.. and informative..

Just wanted to mention that.. Plus, can't think of much to say since I didn't get any sleep.

I'll be dropping by every now and then.

Sage NovaFire

Re: New witch..

Hi and welcome. I'm also a new witch so it's nice to know I'm not alone. What made u decide u wanted to become a witch?

Hope to chat w/ u soon.

Blessed be.

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Replying to:

I'm a fairly new solitary witch and happened to drop by here...

I've been researching wicca for the past year now and felt it was right for me.

Came across your site Medea... Nice.. and informative..

Just wanted to mention that.. Plus, can't think of much to say since I didn't get any sleep.

I'll be dropping by every now and then.

Sage NovaFire