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pressed enter bi accident!!!

I am considering settin up a website were other peeps (pref witches!!)can post probs with spells etc, cos ive got a bloodi massive BOS, n mi moms is bloodi massive 2, so i shud b able 2 work things out! wot do u think then peeps, shud i go 4 it? ill post le address if i do (if th@s ok, medea!!)

luv whitetigerxxx

Re: pressed enter bi accident!!!

sounds like a good idea to me...go for it!

and sure you can post the addy here!

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Replying to:

I am considering settin up a website were other peeps (pref witches!!)can post probs with spells etc, cos ive got a bloodi massive BOS, n mi moms is bloodi massive 2, so i shud b able 2 work things out! wot do u think then peeps, shud i go 4 it? ill post le address if i do (if th@s ok, medea!!)

luv whitetigerxxx